
Juewei Duck Neck

Background (Figure 1):

Juewei Duck Neck is the No. 1 brand for braised products in China, with duck neck being its hit product. After more than a decade of development, Juewei has more than 20 factories and over 10,000 stores nationwide, with 800 logistics vehicles delivering fresh duck necks every day. Juewei is also the braised product company with the highest market value in the A-share market. In addition to Juewei Duck Neck's main business, the group has made extensive investments in snacks and catering using its own supply chain resources.

Product Science (Figure 2):

Freshly delivered every morning. With a shelf life of only 3 days to ensure the best taste.

Product Structure (Figure 3):

Juewei Duck Neck's menu is divided by spiciness and the duck neck's production process. Different regions also combine the local flavours and upstream raw materials to provide localized products.

Brand Slogan (Figure 4):

I want Juewei Duck Neck now!

屏幕快照 2023-05-24 下午3.17.24.png

Discourse System (Figure 5):

What's the point of window shopping without Juewei Duck Neck? What's the point of surfing the internet without Juewei Duck Neck? What's the point of gathering without Juewei Duck Neck? What's the point of traveling without Juewei Duck Neck? What's the point of working overtime without Juewei Duck Neck? What's the point of watching dramas without Juewei Duck Neck?

Brand Logo (Figure 6):

Juewei Duck Neck has successfully registered the Chinese character "Jue" as its trademark. We amplify the value of "Jue" in stores, allowing "Jue" to truly represent Juewei Duck Neck, just like "M" represents McDonald's.

Sales Tools / Sales Promotion System (Figure 7):

Take-out has become an increasingly important sales channel for braised products. Hua & Hua redesigned the take-out system for Juewei, reclassifying and planning it to make it easier for consumers to order take-out and more in line with their ordering habits.


Menu Design (Figure 8):

Continuous Improvement (Figures 9-10):

We redesigned the store front of Juewei as a media channel. We transformed the exterior of the freezer into a luminous light box, changed the price from 39.8 Yuan per kilogram to 19.9 Yuan per half kilogram to reduce the consumer's selection cost. We also added TOP 5 menu items, banners, and other materials to make it easier for customers to choose and purchase. Hua & Hua's "continuous improvement" product originated from the Juewei Duck Neck project.


Advertisement (Figure 11):

Juewei's advertisement uses unqiue cartoon characters, making it memorable. There are six different videos with different scenes but the same form.





正心術(shù) 立正學 走正道


正心術(shù) 立正學 走正道



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